InneRenewaL Massage & Integrated Therapy

Nutrition/Gut Health



Are you Struggling with chronic aches and discomforts? Do you wish you had more Energy to get through your day? Do you suffer from a sluggish or compromised Immune System? Are you uncomfortable with your weight (it's not your fault)? Do you struggle with Hormone related symptoms? Would you like to have a greater impact and/or purpose added to your life?

I certainly answered yes to all of these questions in October of 2016. Since following the program, I am down 70 pounds, all of my chronic aches and discomforts have disappeared. My cardiovascular system is happy. I have more energy, less stress and my nights are very restful. I now have a healthy happy immune system and overall gut health that I haven't had in many years if ever.

At InneRenewaL Massage & Integrated Therapy we can help you achieve all of those things. If it is intriguing to you, contact me.

Our entire program is 100% WHOLE FOOD NUTRITION. NON GMO, NO ARTIFICIAL ANYTHING, RESEARCH AND SCIENCE DRIVEN. You can also go to for more videos and information. Contact me directly for a free consultation. 508-248-5986 ask for Lisa Brown.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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